Alfonsus Avianto

Frontend Engineer


Frontend Engineer Intern

Tiket.comDec 2021 - Jul 2022

About the Company

Tiket.com is a prominent Indonesian online travel and entertainment platform headquartered in Jakarta. Specializing in flight and hotel bookings, holiday packages, and event ticketing, Tiket.com is recognized for its commitment to digital innovation and enhancing user experiences in the dynamic online travel sector.

Job Description

Utilized Scrum development methodologies and Jira as a collaboration tool. I took charge of resolving critical bugs and implementing new features in the flight and ground transport dashboard repositories, utilizing React.js and Redux as the primary technologies for state management. I also implemented new test cases using Jest, React Testing Library, and Enzyme, resulting in a 12% increase in unit testing coverage for the flight dashboard repository, as reported by SonarQube.


  • Car Pool Management (Car Rental)

    Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-0Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-1Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-2Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-3Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-4Car Pool Management (Car Rental)-5
  • Car Rental SEO Dashboard

    Car Rental SEO Dashboard-0
  • Car Rental Dashboard

    Car Rental Dashboard-0
  • Flight Dashboard

    Flight Dashboard-0

Developed by Alfonsus Avianto Chandrawan, using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.