Alfonsus Avianto

Frontend Engineer


Hi, I'm Alfonsus Avianto 👋

Frontend Engineer

A computer science graduate from the University of Brawijaya. I'm a frontend engineer with a passion for crafting intuitive and engaging user experiences. With expertise in React, Vue, Next.js, and TypeScript, I thrive in developing performant and scalable web applications.

Alfonsus Avianto


Glympse of My Career Journey

Software Engineer

Traveloka • Jakarta, Indonesia
March 2024 - present
  • Develop and maintain desktop and mobile web applications, internal tools, and mobile apps for approximately six different products using Next.js, TypeScript, and React Native.
  • Develop web end-to-end automation test cases using Playwright, increasing test coverage by 49.58%, reducing manual effort, and improving testing stability.
  • Automate various business processes using Puppeteer and UIPath Robotic Process Automation.
  • Take the initiative to resolve security vulnerabilities across 9 repositories, resolve 79 critical and 403 high-priority vulnerabilities, modernize outdated tools, and improve system security and maintainability.
  • Mentor interns by providing technical guidance, onboarding support, and regular code reviews, ensuring a smooth learning experience.

Frontend Engineer

McEasy • Surabaya, Indonesia
Sep 2023 - March 2024
I'm currently working on an exciting project to create a logistic and supply chain software using Vue.js, Bootstrap, Vuex, and SASS. This helps us build a user-friendly and responsive interface. I'm also making data look awesome with Chart.js and integrating Google Maps for location services. And, I make sure our code is top-notch by reviewing what our team and others contribute, making sure we stick to the best practices and project guidelines.

Frontend Engineer Intern

Kalbe Group • Jakarta, Indonesia
Jan 2023 - Apr 2023
I took charge of developing our Human Resource Management System and our company profile website using Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, and React Query. The successful delivery of these projects earned positive feedback from our stakeholders. I also improved security and usability by implementing single sign-on through our login portal.

Frontend Engineer Intern

Garena • Jakarta, Indonesia
Aug 2022 - Nov 2022
I transformed UI designs into responsive gamified websites using React.js, Redux, and SASS. I also built and maintained five in-game event websites for Garena and used a Linux-based virtual machine along with Gitlab for collaboration.

Frontend Engineer Intern

Tiket.com • Jakarta, Indonesia
Dec 2021 - Jul 2022
Utilized Scrum development methodologies and Jira as a collaboration tool. I took charge of resolving critical bugs and implementing new features in the flight and ground transport dashboard repositories, utilizing React.js and Redux as the primary technologies for state management. I also implemented new test cases using Jest, React Testing Library, and Enzyme, resulting in a 12% increase in unit testing coverage for the flight dashboard repository, as reported by SonarQube.

Frontend Engineer Intern

Lingotalk • Jakarta, Indonesia
Apr 2021 - Aug 2021
Built the IELTS/TOEFL test system and internal admin dashboard from the ground up, ensuring seamless integration and functionality across all components. Collaborated with product and design teams to deliver a modern and intuitive website, leveraging Svelte.js (Sapper) to develop efficient and scalable web applications.


Tech Stack I Use

Programming Language
HTMLCSSSASSReact.jsNext.jsVue.jsReduxTailwindChakra UIPWAViteWebpackStorybookJestReact Testing LibraryEnzyme
Node.jsExpress.jsNest.jsSQLGoogle Cloud PlatformLaravel
Visual Studio CodePostmanFigmaDocker


Selected Projects


A sexual education website for teenagers. This web app provides materials, discussion forums, and personal consultations with psychologists regarding anything related to sexuality. User can also do an interactive test after finishing each material.

React.jsChakra UIPWAWebsocketNest.jsTypescriptVite

BCC Design System

An open source UI Library for Basic Computing Community's internal projects. I participated in developing several components, such Appbar, Toast, Text Field, and Switcher.

BCC Design System


An educational website for potato farmers. I was in charge of building the frontend using React and the ML model for pattern recognition using Python and CNN algorithm. Successfully achieved the first place in IOFTI Web Dev Competition by Tarumanegara University.

ReactTailwind CSSTypescript

TedxUniversitasBrawijaya 2022

I developed the frontend and the backend system for the official website, speaker registration, audience registration, admin dashboard and ticketing system. The main website received over 1000 visits. Deployed on GCP and CPanel by utilizing GitHub Actions.

ReactFramer MotionViteTailwindGithub ActionsGCPOY Payment Gateway
TedxUniversitasBrawijaya 2022

Yada Youth Website

A non-profit organization which aims to help Indonesian childrens who are in need to get access to the education. I was the web development manager, led a team of 4 to build the company profile website with 100% unit testing coverage.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwind CSSReact Testing LibraryJestDjango
Yada Youth Website


Social media mobile app for sharing and buying handwritings notes. Successfully achieved the second place in INTENTION App Development Competition by Padjajaran University. I was responsible to create the backend system and the API documentation.

Nest.jsOY Payment GatewaySupabaseFirebaseTypescriptPostman Doc

Twice But Nice

An e-commerce site for selling thrifted products, consists of the customer facing and admin panel sides. All the end-to-end processes are covered, starting from viewing products, add to cart and favorites, checkout, payment (using Midtrans) and email billing.

Twice But Nice

Interested in Collaboration?

Wanna a further discuss and more information about my competency? You can reach me out via email and also view my resume

Developed by Alfonsus Avianto Chandrawan, using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.